Spring is the season of new beginnings.

Many people look to refresh their living spaces, and one of the easiest ways to do this is with a thorough spring cleaning.

It is a good time to go through the items you own and see what may be good options for donating.

Removing unused items from the home provides the perfect opportunity to get organized.

On CTV Morning Live, professional organizer Michele Delory joined the show to share some organizing hacks.

The entryway is the first impression of the home.

Delory recommends using wire or soft baskets as containers. The key is to not over-stuff the baskets and to store things upright so items can be easily seen to grab and go.

HomeSense carries a variety of baskets that are perfect for the job.

The kitchen is another spot that needs to be tackled.

A spring clean is a great opportunity to remove items out of the cupboards and wipe down all the shelves. The pantry can immediately look more organized by decanting food into clear canisters.

This saves space and looks visually pleasing.

A white Sharpie washable pen can be used to label the containers. Be sure to include expiry dates.

The bathroom is another space that typically needs attention.

Delory shared that many people do not realize that skincare and beauty products have expiration dates. All old products should be discarded.

HomeSense carries a wide variety of easy-to-wipe-down containers and soft baskets for storage.

For more organization hacks check out the full segment from CTV Morning Live.

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